Category Archives: Geek

All things geek

How Many of You?

The Trib today had a point to the website  As far as internet diversions go, this was a good one.
Logo There are
people with my name in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?
Logo There are
people with Sarah’s name in the U.S.A.
Logo There are
people with Dinah’s name in the U.S.A.

Dinah’s the clear winner here. However, I was suprised to learn that there are 10,677 people in the U.S. with the first name Dinah. The last name is what makes her stand out.
Logo There are
people with Evan’s name in the U.S.A.

I was really shocked that Evan clocked in so low.

Truth in comics

I love xkcd and its geeky geeky ways.  It often captures things I’ve lived and/or seen.  Today’s is one I have lived and seen lived.

This reminds me of a post on usenet my friend Anne made in 1998.  To quote:

So I am left not bitter just tired of this whole meeting people, emotional ties, finding a compatible person and then having them yank away.

It is just an emptiness right now.

From what I have observed from my male friends, though, this is exactly the climate required to learn Linux. Without a full and happy lovelife or distraction of soft lips and a reason to kiss them, there is enough room to grasp the intricacies and nuances of such a fine operating system.

It has already begun to happen. As I walk down the street I am not thinking of emptiness, kising, nathan or any other previous SO’s, I am thinking of penguins, rm -rf / and lilo.

I am already convinved that linux will dull the pain better than heroin.

I still loves me some linux hardcore, though.

WordPress for iPhone

I noticed that the WordPress for iPhone native blogging app appeared in the iTunes store last night. This is me giving it a try.

I don’t think i’ll bang out long posts this way, but you might see lots of smallish stuff since it’ll be so easy to add. Especially some on the fly photo blogging. Heck, it might replace my use of Twitter for some thoughts. Especially those thoughts over 140 characters.

As and added bonus, here’s Vik’s cat, Inky.


[non iPhone Update: Looks like Declan had the same idea on his blog.]

Now you have two problems… again

Even though I use Twitter, I can appreciate mocking it.

With a tip of a hat to jwz, in response to reading Dr. Horrible’s twitter feed, Dave said

Some people, when they are having site availability problems, think, ‘I know, I’ll put up status on twitter!’  Now they have two site availability problems.

And one should not forgot Skottie Young’s post from yesterday on twitter.

Sunday fun

  1. Shutdown
  2. <install new/replacement disk>
  3. fdisk
  4. mkswap
  5. umount /boot
  6. dd
  7. e2fsck && resize2fs
  8. mount -o remount,ro /
  9. dd
  10. e2fsck && resize2fs
  11. mount -o remount,rw /
  12. pvcreate
  13. vgextend
  14. pvmove (wait a long long long time for 174 GB, especially with disk read errors, to move)
  15. vgreduce
  16. shutdown
  17. remove old and busted, put new hotness in as primary disk
  18. boot into rescue disk
  19. mount / /usr
  20. grub-install /dev/hda1
  21. ms-sys -m /dev/hda
  22. vi /etc/fstab
  23. shutdown -r now
  24. Party like its 1999 or, if you like assembler better:   GGB

Wingin’ It

While I was in AZ for work last week I once again got to stop by the Draco Vista studios. This time it was for a recording of Wingin’ It 3D. I had met Mike and Lorrie before, who are awesome people, but I also got to meet the awesomeness of Debbie, Eliza, Chris Kris, Scott Thomas, and Doug. Thanks to all of them for their hospitality.

One of the things I’ve always thought when listening to many of the Farpoint shows has been “I could hang out with these people.” What was nice about hanging out for WI3d was the realization that I was right. These are my kind of people. If I lived in the Phoenix area, I could see myself stopping by quiet often. (If they would have me, of course.)

It was a great time for me, hopefully the feeling was mutual. There was great beer (some of which I brought,) great food, and great people. I highly recommend it.

The show should be up today and tomorrow, I’ll link them when I have time.

[Update 4:14PM: Voicemail Show]

[Update 5/1 12PM:  First, Regular Show #36.  I realize I should have titled this post “Wingin’ It, they be bringing it.”  But also, it was pointed out in the comments by Brian that I forgot to mention him and Tim and teh aw esome they bring as well.  Not sure how the hell I did that.  I blame alcohol.  Also, I said Scott above when I meant Thomas and horked Kris’s name, those were just plain super-dumbness.]