Things good and bad…

Here are some things that have depressed my lately in no particular order. They depress me so much I don’t even want to expand on my thoughts.

  • Pharmacists refusing to give birth control to their customers/patients
  • The fact that there is still a fight about creationism vs evolution in schools
  • My high cholesterol
  • That we’re STILL talking about Terri Schivo
  • Politicians focusing on totally the wrong stuff: steroids, etc.
  • The increasingly more oppressive fallout from the FCC crackdown over Janet Jackson’s breast
  • The seemingly inevitable stuffing of DRM down our throats by vendors

Here are some things that I’m encouraged by that I don’t feel like expanding on….

  • My daughter is walking
  • The backlash over some of the Republican’s moves during the Schivo thing.
  • The fact that the presidents social security plan has no traction with the public
  • Its staring to get warm out

One thought on “Things good and bad…”

  1. People are so quick to end a life one way (e.g. Morning After Pill) yet when it comes to another way such as Capital Punishment or nonsensical Gun Control laws.
    I have to wait a week or two to get a gun, a woman should need to wait a week or two to take a pill to end a life. Too long? Too bad. Should take more care of your body. Give me a gun the same day, and then I’ll support the Morning After Pill.
    We put people in prison for life after three strikes. After a third abortive procedure, I demand sterlisation of those women.
    Michael Shaivo was wrong, wrong, wrong. He relinquished his husband rights when he fathered another child with another woman, called that women his fiancee, and moved in with her. He had his chance to kill her without suspicion. After the insurance payout, it just seems fishy.

    Politicians and the FCC and the rights of large corporations have run rampant in this country. It’s disgusting.

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