Category Archives: Tweets

Twitter Updates for 2007-11-07

  • Okay, to further my twitter experiment, I’ve integrated it with my blog. So now tens more readers will see my tweets! Or something. #
  • @ddribin Is the jury area at least wifi equiped? I know they are doing that in DuPage #
  • *sigh* Time to do more fighting with nmake, vc++, swig, and python. At least I found a work-around to get the flags into python. #
  • Good news: 99.9% of the python for win32 build done. #
  • Why do most of the developers I talk to due to work make me want to call them "developers" #
  • The left earbud from my iPhone headphones no longer sits in my ear the right way. Did my ear change or did the earbud? Weird. #

Experimenting with Twitter

I first played with Twitter back in August when I was at a Conference and they kept saying “it was the thing to do.” The official conference Twitter feed never got updated and it just seemed like the latest fad of the “social internet.” I just let my twitter account pretty much die.

A week or so ago, Dave started watching my dormant Twitter feed. I thought I’d take another look at Twitter based on the theory that if Dave sees value, there must be some. In talking to Dave last week at lunch, it looks like that is the way a lot of the smaller Mac software guys communicate. I’m not sure what I’d use it for, but I’ll play with it again.

I have to say that it is somewhat addicting to just drop a one liner about what is going on our what went through my head. Twitter also makes it very easy to do so since you can drop a tweet via SMS, IM, or the web. I have at least two of those accessible to me at all times.

The last thing I thought I’d play with is integrating Twitter with the blog. Luckily, the twitter tools wodpress plugin by Alex King make it a snap. So now, every day I drop a tweet, you’ll see a daily digest. We’ll see how this works and/or if I ever say anything of value.

(This has inspired me to take a look at integrating my tags as a daily digest post instead of integrating it to the RSS stream via FeedBurner as I do now. Dan Wooley has posted a ruby script he wrote to do it, so I might rip that off.)