Twitter Updates for 2007-11-07

  • Okay, to further my twitter experiment, I’ve integrated it with my blog. So now tens more readers will see my tweets! Or something. #
  • @ddribin Is the jury area at least wifi equiped? I know they are doing that in DuPage #
  • *sigh* Time to do more fighting with nmake, vc++, swig, and python. At least I found a work-around to get the flags into python. #
  • Good news: 99.9% of the python for win32 build done. #
  • Why do most of the developers I talk to due to work make me want to call them "developers" #
  • The left earbud from my iPhone headphones no longer sits in my ear the right way. Did my ear change or did the earbud? Weird. #

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