Category Archives: General

If your hose is too short or your pump is too weak…


The mat under the urinal, which goes by the name of “hygoMat by hygolet“, appeared in the men’s bathroom on our floor this week. I’ll spare you from what the hygoMat does, its marketing page can help you with that.

However, it makes me wonder, do the men on my floor have aiming issues or something? How hard is it to take a leak? It scares me a little bit.

The misnamed Elgin-O’Hare might only be half misnamed!

From today’s Chicago Tribune: Deal is reached to build western access to O’Hare

Chicago and three other government bodies will announce a formal agreement Tuesday to move forward on building a western-access roadway into O’Hare International Airport, according to transportation officials.

The agreement calls for extending the Elgin-O’Hare Expressway into the airport, but only after Chicago’s massive O’Hare expansion project is completed.

Behold! The Elgin-O’Hare Expressway might actually reach one of the destinations in its name! Well, within the next 10 years. For now, its still more the Hanover Park-Itasca Expressway.


I have a few friends who work at Morningstar, Inc. here in Chicago. Today comes news of their IPO.

CHICAGO — Morningstar Inc., the research firm best known for its mutual fund data, on Monday filed to sell about $140.8 million of stock in an initial public offering.

The stock will trade on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol “MORN” when it goes public Tuesday.

Anyone who watched Star Trek: Deep Space Nine will remember Morn as that dude who always hung out at Quark’s bar.


Hmm, I think this is my second Star Trek related post of the day.

Rue the day? Who talks like that?

Your Linguistic Profile:

70% General American English
15% Upper Midwestern
10% Yankee
5% Midwestern
0% Dixie

A post on Jess’s blog pointed me at this test. Its a fun bit of fluff, but it has one thing wrong with it. The question on what you call a water fountain should also include the term bubbler which is popular in Wisconsin. Although, I’m not sure where it would fit into the categories it puts your speaking style into.

Bad Kitty!

Its never good when you’re tired and slipping into bed, stretching out your legs, and then you hit the cold wet spot left by a pool of cat urine. Its especially not good when the cat seems to be targeting you, but that is what Baby seems to be doing to Sarah. Having Dinah in the house must be ticking off Baby as he’s getting way less attention. To show his displeasure he’s will target Sarah’s side of the bed for a full-on bladder dump. Its never my side of the bed, its always Sarah’s. We think it might be the recent addition of baby gates to the house that ticked him off this time, as when we have them closed to keep Dinah in, the gates have the side-effect of keeping Baby out.

For months we’ve just been leaving our bedroom door closed when we’re not in it, to keep Baby from having the chance. Yesterday, I left the door open for a five minute window and Baby took his chance. Of course, we didn’t discover it until about 10:30 at night when we were going to bed, and by then it had soaked all the way down to the mattress.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time. Baby was the perfect cat (at least in regards to waste elimination) until he got a urinary tract infection in Dec. 2002. Now the UTI has become a yearly occurrence, and as a side effect it opened his eyes to the wonders of doing his business in inappropriate places.

Sarah is at wits end and we can’t figure out what to do. We’ve tried all sorts of techniques to stop him from peeing in all the wrong places, but there is always a point where we get complacent and forget to put the technique in place, or Baby just learns to ignore the deterrent. We’re also concerned because we have an infant crawling around and we’re uncomfortable with the thought that one day Dinah will come across a puddle we hadn’t yet identified.

Our options are starting to become limited and the options we are starting to be left with don’t make me comfortable, especially because of how much Dinah lights up when Baby comes into the room. Some of these options would be easier if he was old or infirm, but he’s neither. Its really quite depressing.

“How small does your penis have to be?”

This morning the Chicago Tribune had the article 25,999-pound fashion statement about International‘s new CXT “severe service truck.” Asshats like Ahston Kutcher think they are all the rage. This is such a gross vehicle I threw up a little in my mouth while reading the article.

This just reminds me of the old joke of the Kenworth Pilgrimage, which it seems someone took too seriously. Also, its makes the P-Diddy/Puff-Daddy/Whatever-the-fuck-we’re-calling-him-this-week-and-for-saying-this-he’ll-bust-a-cap-in-my-ass/Sean “Puffy” Combs Diet Pepsi commercial from the Superbowl much less funny.

[Update: I don’t know how I missed this in my first reading, but this quote was pointed out to me (emphasis mine):

Daughter Shaylin, 15…adding that her Hummer is more practical to take to school, although “the International is way cooler. Now at school they call me either The Hummer Girl or The International Girl.”

If you’re being called “The Hummer Girl” I suspect that 1) you’re very popular and 2) its not due to your parents’ car. Either way, “the Hummer is more practical to take to school”? Sure, if you’re in IRAQ!]