Only in America!

There is a fight this Saturday night at the United Center: Brewster vs. Golota. Supposedly its the first professional fight in Chicago in some long amount of time.

So, I’m sitting around coding and we’re hearing some screaming from out on Michigan Ave. We hear stuff like that all the time being located where we are. Finally, my curiousity got the best of me, so I went to look out the window and see what it was. “Oh, dude, its Don King.” So we went down to what was the official weigh-in for the fight.

Sadly, all I had was the crappy camera in my Hiptop2/Sidekick2.


Also, here’s a meta-photo of Rachelle taking pictures of the event.


That’s her hands and camera on the left. I suggest checking out her much better photos in this post on chicagoist

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