Twitter annoyances

Generally, I really enjoy using Twitter.  I’m not exactly sure why that is, but all in all I like it.  I think it mostly has to do with exposing me to a subset of people that I don’t get in my IRC and IM windows.  However, there are some trends in use that piss me off…

  1. Thanking people for following you. Stop it, right now, everyone.  Just freaking stop it.  If over 1% of your tweets are thanking people for following you, I will smack you when next I see you.  Maybe I’m bucking the etiquette, but this annoys me more than anything else.
  2. Feeling that you need to follow the people that follow you. No, you don’t.  Its a broadcast medium, and while it can be used for chat, it doesn’t mean you have to.  The closer your following:follower ratio is to 1:1 the less I think you actually have to say and thought you put into Twitter.  If you’re reading the whole world, how to you have time to create your own thoughts?
  3. Changing your avatar more often then you change underwear. You’re not that pretty nor witty, knock it off.
  4. Tweeting only that you have a new blog post. Stop it! I already have an RSS reader, kthx.

That’s my top four.  I’m sure I’m guilty of some from time to time, but damn it, stop it! I try to.  And I’m sure I’ll come up with more, maybe I’ll make this a series.

7 thoughts on “Twitter annoyances”

  1. I want to string up anyone who thanks or even mentions their fucking followers. STFU about it.

    I used to follow everyone who followed me, but now I don’t. I no longer care about ratios, either. Sometimes what people say doesn’t interest me. Not my problem. And yes, it’s personal. Be more interesting.

    I’ve never understood the changing avatar thing. I get why you’d update it every so often, but once a week? seriously?

    I am totally guilty of #4. Lame, I know, but I think more people should read what I have to say. I’m a card-carrying soc med asshole, so it comes with the territory.

    I’d love to help you with a series of things people do. How about: tweeting LITERALLY about what they are doing? talking about how someone in their family just died? posting link after link after link?

  2. Bravo! All those things piss me off, too. That, and changing display names. It’s not helpful, cute, funny, creative or interesting. It’s fucking annoying.

    And thanks for following me. 🙂


  3. I just find Twitter annoying full stop. Anything you can say in under 160 chars isn’t worth saying. A bit like this comment, really.

  4. I’m really tired of all of these SEO and “social marketing” people following me, and getting followed whenever I mention a specific keyword.

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